SAML SSO – Service Provider initated webapp

SAML SSO – Service Provider initated webapp

In this post we will be talking about SAML based single signon, specifically about a webapp (service provider) initiated single signon. Single Signon or short SSO allows us to reuse identities for multiple service providers (applications). The applications do not need...
.NET Core Web API – Part 2

.NET Core Web API – Part 2

In this second part we will start adding an endpoint for authentication to our web API. To do this we need to add a new controller. We will add an empty API controller and call it AccountsController. We will use dependency injection to add a UserManager, a...
.NET Core Web API – Part 2

.NET Core Web API – Part 1

In this multi part blog post we will be creating a .NET Core based Web API with authentication and a number of other features. To start we will create a new project in Visual Studio by selecting the ASP.NET Core Web Application project type then we select the API...