Using Vue Router Part 2 – Dynamic Routes

Using Vue Router Part 2 – Dynamic Routes

in our first part of this series we looked at simply using Vue router to switch pages Another important piece to the router puzzle is using dynamic routes with parameters for example we had a route as follows /customers that would show the customers screen and...
Using Vue Router Part 2 – Dynamic Routes

Using Vue Router – Part 1

In this post we will take a look at using Vue Router first we will create a new vue app usign webpack vue init webpack vuerouter after the project is created, navigate to the folder and run  npm run dev first we will create a simple main screen with 3 different...
Vue.js and Internationalization

Vue.js and Internationalization

In this short post we will look into adding Internationalization to a Vue.js project. This will allow us to support multiple languages for all our text elements to start we will create a simple Vue project using the Vue cli as follows vue init webpack i18nSample we...
.NET Core Web API – Part 2

.NET Core Web API – Part 2

In this second part we will start adding an endpoint for authentication to our web API. To do this we need to add a new controller. We will add an empty API controller and call it AccountsController. We will use dependency injection to add a UserManager, a...