Handle hoRegistry
Integer iError bOK bRetVal
String sKey sData
Get Create U_cRegistry to hoRegistry
Move ("Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Shell Folders") to sKey
Set pfAccessRights of hoRegistry to KEY_READ
Set phRootKey of horegistry to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE
String sCommonAppData
Get OpenKey of hoRegistry sKey to bOk
If (bOK) Begin
    If (ValueExists(hoRegistry,"Common AppData")) Begin
        Get ReadString of hoRegistry "Common AppData" to sCommonAppData
    Else Move "" to sCommonAppData

    Send CloseKey of hoRegistry
Else Begin
    Error 255 "Unable to read shell folders registry"

Send Destroy to hoRegistry
If (trim(sCommonAppData)<>"") Begin
    String sConfigFile
    String sMyAppData
    Move (szPathAppend(sCommonAppData,"StarZen\TestApp")) to sMyAppData
    Move (szPathAppend(sMyAppData,"TestApp.config")) to sConfigFile
    If (SZFileExists(sConsejoConfig)) Begin
        Integer hoXML 
        Get Create U_cXMLDOMDocument to hoXML
        If (not(hoXML)) Begin
            Error 255 ("Unable to create XML document")
            Function_Return (False)
        Set psDocumentName of hoXML to sConfigFile
        Set pbAsync of hoXML to False
        Set pbValidateOnParse of hoXML to True
        Get LoadXMLDocument of hoXML to bOK
        If (not(bOk)) Begin
            Error 255 ("Unable to load XML document"+trim(sConfigFilefig))
            Send Destroy to hoXML
            Function_Return (False)

        // READ XML FILE

        Send Destroy to hoXML


Instead of using the registry it is recommended to store machine specific configuration data in the common appdata folder

first we use the registry to find the common appdata folder and then simply append a name for the company and also a name for the application. Then simply read an xml file in that folder for our configuration data