The TileView control was created to replace the default Dashboard view provided by DAW in their WebApplications. The Dashboard view is rather limited in functionality which prompted the creation of this class

Some of the features we had been looking for are

  • Dynamic Tiles
    Dynamically hiding and showing tiles. When doing so we expect the tile view to reorganize of course
    Dynamically adding and removing tiles. We also expect the tile view to reorganize when tiles are removed or added
    Dynamically changing content on tiles
  • Ability to easily change the appearance of tiles (Colors, Font, Font Size, Text location, icon, image, etc)
  • Different size tiles
  • Tiles with icons
  • Tiles with images
  • Responsive View
    tiles view should reorganize based on size of device

Types of Tiles

We want to support different size tiles. Normal Size (a square tile), small size (also square but smaller, 4 filling the space of one normal tile) and a wide tile (rectangular filling the space of 2 normal tiles)

We also want to support tiles with icons as well as tiles with images

Here is an example of what these tiles look like


Lets take a look at the code that created these tiles

Object oTileView is a cszTileView
    Set piColumnSpan to 0
    Object oSchedClientTile is a cszTile
        Set psID to "1"
        Set psBackgroundColor to "#0072c6"
        Set psBackgroundImage to "images/icon-schedclients.png"
        Set psLabel to "Scheduled Clients"

    Object oBird1Tile is a cszTile
        Set psID to "bird1"
        Set psBackgroundColor to ""
        Set psBackgroundImage to "images/bird1.png"
        Set psLabel to "Bird1"
        Set psImageType to "fill"
        Set psTextTop to 5
        Set psTextAlign to "left"

    Object oShiftTile is a cszTile
        Set psID to "2"
        Set psBackgroundColor to "#005899"
        Set psBackgroundImage to "images/icon-shifts.png"
        Set psLabel to "Shifts"
        Set pbShow to False

    Object oSchedTile is a cszTile
        Set psID to "3"
        Set psBackgroundColor to "#179bd7"
        Set psBackgroundImage to "images/icon-schedule.png"
        Set psLabel to "Schedule"

    Object oTileContainer is a cszTile
        Set psID to "cont"
        Set psTileType to "container"
        Set psBackgroundColor to "#ffffff"
        Set psBackgroundImage to ""
        Set psLabel to "111"
        Set psImageType to "none"

        Object oSmallTile is a cszTile
            Set psID to "small1"
            Set psBackgroundColor to "#179bd7"
            Set psBackgroundImage to "images/icon-schedule.png"
            Set psLabel to "Small"
            Set psTileType to "small"
        Object oSmallTile2 is a cszTile
            Set psID to "small2"
            Set psBackgroundColor to "#0065b0"
            Set psBackgroundImage to "images/icon-shifts.png"
            Set psLabel to "Small"
            Set psTileType to "small"
        Object oSmallTile3 is a cszTile
            Set psID to "small3"
            Set psBackgroundColor to "#179bd7"
            Set psBackgroundImage to "images/bird1.png"
            Set psLabel to "Bird1"
            Set psImageType to "fill"
            Set psTileType to "small"

    Object oWideTile is a cszTile
        Set psID to "4"
        Set psTileType to "wide"
        Set psBackgroundColor to "#4b99ee"
        Set psBackgroundImage to "images/icon-schedule.png"
        Set psLabel to "Schedule"

    Object oBirdWide is a cszTile
        Set psID to "bird"
        Set psTileType to "wide"
        Set psBackgroundColor to "#179bd7"
        Set psBackgroundImage to "images/bird.png"
        Set psLabel to "Schedule"
        Set psImageType to "fill"
        Set psTextAlign to "left"


We can also dynamically modify a tile as follows

Procedure UpdateMyTile
    // change tile
    Set psBackgroundColor of oSchedClientTile to "#379417" 
    Set psBackgroundImage of oSchedClientTile to "images/icon-schedclients.png" 
    Set psLabel of oSchedClientTile to "New Test" 

    // send update to client
    Send RequestUpdateTile to oSchedClientTile

Responsive Tiles

We want our tile view to be responsive and change based on device size or browser size


Hiding and Showing Tiles

We can hide and show Tiles by setting the pbShow property of the tile object

Full Dynamic Tiles

if we want to create tiles fully dynamic we can do that as well

Object oTileView is a cszTileView
   Set piColumnSpan to 0
   Procedure DoCreateDynamicTiles
       Integer hoTile
       Send ClearTiles 
       Get Create (RefClass(cszTileHandler)) to hoTile
       Set psID of hoTile to "1"
       Set psBackgroundColor of hoTile to "#0072c6"
       Set psBackgroundImage of hoTile to "images/icon-schedclients.png"
       Set psLabel of hoTile to "Scheduled Clients"
       Send SendJsonTile (GetTileJson(hoTile)) 
       Set psID of hoTile to "bird1"
       Set psBackgroundColor of hoTile to "#0072c6"
       Set psBackgroundImage of hoTile to "images/bird1.png"
       Set psLabel of hoTile to "Bird1"
       Set psImageType of hoTile to "fill"

       Send SendJsonTile (GetTileJson(hoTile)) 
       Set psID  of hoTile to "2"
       Set psBackgroundColor  of hoTile to "#005899"
       Set psBackgroundImage  of hoTile to "images/icon-shifts.png"
       Set psLabel  of hoTile to "Shifts"
       Set psImageType of hoTile to "icon"

       Send SendJsonTile (GetTileJson(hoTile)) 
       Send Destroy to hoTile
       Send CreateTileView
   Procedure OnTileClick String sTileID

The above code creates 3 tiles dynamically. We can also use the ClearTiles method to remove all tiles as well as the DeleteTile method to delete a specific tile.
A tile can be hidden or shown using the ShowTile method.

Visually Tiles can be modified in size, color, icon, image and other appearance using properties and/or css classes

This is just one of the many controls StarZen created for the WebApp platform.

Michael Salzlechner is the CEO of StarZen Technologies, Inc.

He was part of the Windows Team at Data Access Worldwide that created the DataFlex for Windows Product before joining StarZen Technologies. StarZen Technologies provides consulting services as well as custom Application development and third party products specifically for DataFlex developers