Simple WITH clause
WITH AS (subquery)
SELECT FROM [,table]
WITH clause with multiple subqueries
WITH AS (subquery)
, AS (subquery)
SELECT FROM , [, table]
for example find duplicate phone number rows in customer
;WITH dupes AS ( SELECT DAY_PHONE FROM cust GROUP BY DAY_PHONE HAVING COUNT(*) > 1 ) SELECT c.CODE, c.org_name, c.last_name, c.first_name, c.e_mail, c.street, c.street_city, CONVERT(date, c.last) as LAST, c.DAY_PHONE FROM dupes INNER JOIN dbo.CUST AS c ON dupes.DAY_PHONE = c.day_phone order by dupes.DAY_PHONE
now more complex. the following statement converts the DAY_PHONE field to only numbers and only the first 10 digits and then checks for duplicate records
OnlyNumbers is a stored procedure that returns only the numbers from a string
;WITH custs AS ( SELECT left(dbo.OnlyNumbers(day_phone),10) as PHONE FROM dbo.CUST ) , dupes AS ( SELECT PHONE FROM custs GROUP BY PHONE HAVING COUNT(*) > 1 ) SELECT c.CODE, c.org_name, c.last_name, c.first_name, c.e_mail, c.street, c.street_city, CONVERT(date, c.last) as LAST, c.DAY_PHONE, dupes.PHONE FROM dupes INNER JOIN dbo.CUST AS c ON dupes.PHONE = left(dbo.OnlyNumbers(c.day_phone),10) where c.cust_grp_num < 2 and c.shiponly = '' order by
next same as above but check multiple fields for duplicates
-- first preselect customers -- then get duplicate rows only -- then show all rows with these dupe values ;WITH custs AS ( SELECT left(dbo.OnlyNumbers(day_phone),10) as PHONE, LAST_NAME, ORG_NAME FROM dbo.CUST where cust.cust_grp_num < 2 and cust.shiponly = '' ) , dupes AS ( SELECT PHONE, LAST_NAME , ORG_NAME FROM custs GROUP BY PHONE, LAST_NAME, ORG_NAME HAVING COUNT(*) > 1 ) SELECT c.CODE, c.org_name, c.last_name, c.first_name, c.e_mail, c.street, c.street_city, CONVERT(date, c.last) as LAST, c.DAY_PHONE, dupes.PHONE FROM dupes INNER JOIN dbo.CUST AS c ON dupes.PHONE = left(dbo.OnlyNumbers(c.day_phone),10) and dupes.LAST_NAME = c.last_name and dupes.ORG_NAME = c.ORG_NAME order by