To side-load windows apps on a device with using a windows side-loading key follow these instructions

First of course you need a windows side-loading product key. The only way to purchase this key is via the Microsoft Volume Licensing program.

Install side-loading key on device

First, open an elevated command prompt.

execute the following to install the side=loading product key


then execute the following command to activate the key. An internet connection is required to do this.

slmgr /ato ec67814b-30e6-4a50-bf7b-d55daf729d1e

Allow all trusted apps to install

On a Windows 8 Pro Device do the following

Execute the local Group Policy Editor (gpedit.msc)

Navigate to Local Computer Policy->Computer Configuration->Administrative Templates->Windows Components->App Package Deployment

Set the Allow all trusted apps to install option to Enabled

this should create the following registry entry


and it should be set to a DWORD value of 1

App Signed with a Trusted Certificate

The app to be installed has to be signed with a trusted code signing certificate